Survey hosting and administration provided by Undergraduate Student Success Center

Please Read Carefully!


In July 2004, Governor Rick Perry issued Executive Order RP36 relating to preventing, detecting, and eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse. In response, the University of Houston developed the Fraud Risk Survey to help UH departments evaluate their internal controls and risk of fraud. The Fraud Risk Survey is divided into various sections (Procurement, Fixed Assets, etc.) that focus on controls related to each activity. Affirmative ("Yes") answers indicate that a particular control is in place to reduce the risk of fraud, while negative ("No") answers indicate that this control is not in place. Any "No" answers require an explanation of when the control will be implemented or which additional controls are in place to compensate for the absence of this control. Survey responders can enter this explanation in the additional text box (up to 255 characters). If additional space is needed, type "see attachment" in the additional text box and attach the explanation to the survey on a separate sheet of paper. If the department is not involved in the activity described (e.g., does not have a petty cash fund, for instance), the survey responder should answer "N/A."

Steps to Successfully Completing the Fraud Risk Survey

  • You must fill out the survey on this website. You can return as many times as needed. You may return to any page at any time. Your previously submitted answers will reappear on the pages when you return. Only answers that have been submitted will be saved and reappear when you return.
  • You must answer all of the questions. "N/A" must be selected if the question does not apply to the department.
  • A brief explanation for every "No" answer is required.
  • Review all answers and explanations with the unit head.
  • Once the survey respondent and unit head agree on the answers print a copy of the summary report page (available after logging in). The survey requires both the survey respondent and unit head signatures. If you still need to alter answers after this point, you may return to the website at any time to change any answers. You may not change any answers on the summary page but can still change them on the survey pages.
  • The completed survey, which has been signed by the survey responder and unit head, and any supplemental information, should be uploaded to the UH/UYHS Key Dates SharePoint site at: by October 27, 2023.

Contact Information

If you have difficulties logging in to take the survey or printing your responses:

  • Contact Patrick Daniel, Director, Testing Services at (713)743-5434 or email

If you have any questions about the content of the survey:
